Your comments

I'm not sure that this issue is still 'in play'? Essentially each view has a different web address ie

for admin users its:

for mobile operators its;

Each person only needs one username/password and this can be used for both views if they have the right permissions for that view. As an example if a driver with only mobile operator lvl permissions tries to login to the admin address they will be rejected but if Nigel uses either address his single username/password will work.

Great idea Dionne! We've actioned this idea and it has now been released.

This apparent bug has proven to be hard to locate. if you see it please send us a screenshot that includes the time, date and job number and we'll endeavor to get it sorted.

We have implemented a task reference field which can be used to reference important information such as paddock number. In the mobile operator view this reference is appended to the task name.

The new Queue feature allows you to slice your task information by date and resource and therefore replicates this workaround. As a result we are going to permanently remove the link between resources and associated jobs in the settings page.