
Site Information eg. Health & Safety, Farm/Custom Map

anonymous 8 years ago updated by Rusty Knutson (Commercial Manager) 7 years ago 4

Another one in the top 6 request at Fieldays and RCNZ conference. Each site should store information relating to the site eg Custom Map (where is my entry point to the farm from the road), Farm Map (where do I go to get to paddock/location when on farm) or Health & Safety Information about the site.

We are reinstating the "add a custom map" feature to the site locations - this will allow a single image ( .jpg, .png) added BUT will replace the google map directions. While you could use this having your H&S information available in a dropbox (or cloud based storage) and linking to this from "Job Notes" is the reccomended work around at this point.

"Add custom map" reinstated and "revert to google map option released today :)

Site Map

If a custom map had been loaded to a site the 'revert to google map' button
wasn't obvious. It's now in red on the top right of the map.

see here: