Under review

When adding multiple charges to a task in settings/template at times its not saving it properly

Gordy B 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3
Under review

Hi Gordy, thanks for the post - I will see if I can recreate this problem. Could you try this from your home connection too? one of the possible problems is the internet connection there at work. Let me know how that goes and lets talk Monday.

Hi Wendy, I have had the same issue a few times

Thanks Gordy and Dionne,

I am unable to recreate the error after saving 4+ charge out rates to tasks in one go on various templates. The next time this happens can you let me know:

-what template you are using

-what task you are adding charges to

-the steps you are taking leading to the save point

- does it move slowly after the save ( see the wheel spinning?)

-does it say successfully saved ( or error message?)

-do you have a new job in flight (using the template you are altering) at the same time?

When I have this I will be able to delve further for you.

- Wendy