
Scheduler - Group Jobs by Area

Rusty K 9 years ago updated by Rusty Knutson (Commercial Manager) 7 years ago 2

It would be fantastic if we could group jobs at a site location level by area so if we are travelling into that area we can see a job type eg "Maize Silage" all Job types by an area. This allows each contractor to define these as they like but not miss a job while working in an area.

Under review

This is a great work around to full blown mapping (which we would look at connecting with the likes of TracMap or Precision Farming on if we were to approach this) Having jobs able to be filtered by an area means that you dont have to go back and do one that youve missed - great optimisation tool. Will spec for development next tri-mester (Sept- Nov)


We now have a map view in the scheduler.