
Job Cards - Printed: Site Addresses Re-Arrangement

Rusty K 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

Job Cards are currently printing without a site address (partly because no site is defaulting when creating a new job and its not being added), and the destination address shows as the customer address which is not always the case.

Addresses and standard information on the printed card layout need to be reviewed and displayed logically.



Site addresses have been fixed to display as entered in the release Oct 5th. You can change the order the addresses display on a job and on a printed job card by dragging and dropping the addresses to re-position them on the job. Addresses where source or destination isnt select display in the order they appear as well but without "source" or " destination" labels.


Site addresses have been fixed to display as entered in the release Oct 5th. You can change the order the addresses display on a job and on a printed job card by dragging and dropping the addresses to re-position them on the job. Addresses where source or destination isnt select display in the order they appear as well but without "source" or " destination" labels.