Under review

Would it be possible to add a Daily Summary of Workers hours report?

anonymous 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 1

Dionne has asked (following how to create a complete time entry) if it would be possible to add a Daily Summary of Workers hours report?

Under review

Thanks Dionne, there are some reports that give us information relating to an hours summarised for a worker. The closest working report is the work queue.

This shows for a worker on a given day(in the past) the jobs, hours and status. The hours are totalled although Im not sure if these are estimated or actual hours. A job may be started and not completed the same day.

What information would you want to see on a daily hours summary?

Filter by Worker, From date- to date

Title: Worker Name- Time Summary- From Date to date

Columns: Job No., TaskName, Customer, actual start date, actual size, actual hours, job status,

What about WIP hours(sum of open activity log)?