Under review

Invoice Output for Non-Xero Users (and Xero User Billing Summary) #276

Rusty K 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3

When looking at a Job in the JobList we can "expand" or "hide" the details to review for invoicing. Be great if this information could be printed off as a billing summary for a non-Xero client,

Thanks Gordy for raising this one - its in the queue to be done in the next release (Sept) if not before!

Under review

Print Job Summary has been improved/items still missing:

...Ideally we would show/print ALL the information in the "expand/hide" job details as shown in the job list.

These things are still important as part of the summary especially when validating billing:

- date task was completed

- all of the tasks associated with job - summary only gives billable tasks

- resources - who did the work, how long did they take on each task, actual size

-what was billed and what wasnt

In addition to this being able to have the option of printing the "Job Comments" and "Activity Log" generated from Mobile View would be great too.