
Comments section . When entering data

Carol Potter 7 years ago updated by Rusty Knutson (Commercial Manager) 7 years ago 4

When I am reviewing jobs and entering the actual hrs etc for invoicing.  We often buy in material e.g. gravel, rock, novaflowl   etc it would great if we could write a comment regarding where its from etc.  Also when entering tasks, it would be a good idea to be able to write comments e.g load counts.  doesn't necessary need to be printable, .

Also another quick thing, is it possible to add another task not normally associated with the task, or do we have to go and change the template everytime.

Many thanks


Hi Carol

With regards to the comments on a task, it is currently possible to add these to the job comments. However i understand that you would want this on a task, so i have taken it to the team.

Currently there isn't a correct way to add a task that isn't in a job template. You can create custom tasks within a job where there isn't a job template selected but that may not work in this case.The team was already looking into this so i will pass on this further information.



Under review

Hi Carol, as you'll see Ryan has also asked for an 'on the fly' task so I've added your vote to that suggestion.

Comments can now be added to a job by both admins and driver/operators.  task notes have also been introduced. Thanks Carol for the great suggestions.